Bill Sparkman, Sales and Marketing Trainer, Coach, Motivational Speaker, and Author

By: Bill Sparkman, The Coach

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The common denominator of all great accomplishments in the mortgage business, or any worthwhile venture, is having a clear plan of action and meaningful written goals. The first step to "getting" what you want is "knowing" what you want. Without knowing what you want, and a burning desire to achieve it, you will often settle for anything. My definition of true achievement is "a match between what you say you want and what you actually have." If there is a gap between the two in your career or your life use this 6-step system to create the results you desire and the prosperity you deserve.

Steps To Getting What You Want, When You Want It

  1. Know what you want

    Be able to clearly state what you want, in what time frame. It is easier to know if you have arrived if you know where you want to go. The number one reason people don't get what they truly want is not knowing what it is, then they settle for whatever they do get. Creating clear written goals is the most important step to attaining peak performance in business, sports, or your personal life.

  2. Written action plan

    Once you know what you want the next question is how are you going to get it. What makes your goal distinctly different from a wish is a written plan of action. Be specific and include each step along the way. Your goals must be congruent with your action plan. Your action plan must be believable or you won't pay the price required for achieving what you say you want. Your action steps must push you into new territory. To get something you've never had before, you must do the things you've never done before. If you continue to do what you've always done, you will get what you've always gotten.

  3. Set milestones and deadlines

    Goal setting isn't a once a year event of making lofty resolutions with no commitment to fulfillment. Achieving your goals is a constant process of making sure you are "On Track" and getting closer to what you want. You achieve this by setting up check points along the way. The goal of building a house is filled with milestones and deadlines along the way. First you set the home-site and then you prepare the lot. Then the foundation. Then the framing and drywall and so on. Each step is critical to the overall success of reaching the goal of a completed home.

  4. Monitor your progress and make adjustments

    I believe in setting your goals quickly, getting into action right away, monitoring and measuring your progress regularly, and making adjustments as you go. READY-AIM-FIRE.

    There is an epidemic that I have noticed with regards to achievement; most people don't have written goals and another large percentage spend all of their time pondering what they want. A sure-fire way to not fail, or reach your goals, is to not set your goals in the first place.

    The road to success and attainment is littered with underachievers who gave up or didn't take the necessary adjustments to their strategy to keep them moving toward their goal. Your daily actions are either getting you closer to, or further away, from what you want. Monitor your progress regularly, review your results, and make adjustments as needed.

  5. Create new habits

    New results require developing new habits and rituals to replace old habits that don't work any longer. One of the secrets of successful individuals is that they create or adopt powerful, creative, and positive habits and rituals for everything they do. This places them on autopilot toward reaching their goals. Adopting new habits, or changing habits that aren't working for you, is easier said than done. Once you get in a rut, very often you can't even see the way out. It takes discipline and commitment to create new "success habits," but once you do, you've all but accomplished your goal.

  6. Don't give up

    Don't get discouraged by short term set backs. One of the biggest reasons people fail to achieve their goals is that they allow obstacles and set backs along the way to get them down. The question is not if you will encounter challenges, but what you will do after they occur. You must develop strategies in advance to overcome the set backs that you can foresee. By anticipating obstacles, and creating a strategy to deal with them before they occur, prepares you to take them and deal with them head on. The bigger the goals the bigger the obstacles.

Effective goal setting changes your focus to what you're trying to avoid, to what you're trying to achieve. Nothing contributes so much to stimulate the mind as a steady purpose and clear goal.

Goal setting is as important to the successful operation of your life as eating and sleeping. The only difference is that your life won't end if you don't set goals. However, without goals directing your life, you will miss out on much of the other positive emotions that we all desire in life such as excitement, aliveness, fulfillment, passion, joy, and even happiness.

Good Luck and Get Goaling!

Bill Sparkman, "The Coach"





Bill Sparkman, The Coach

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